
Signs indicating your thyroid is out of whack

“Big things come in small packages.” This couldn’t be truer when it comes to the thyroid gland. A butterfly-shaped gland that sits atop your windpipe, it secretes thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones are responsible for various functions of the body. These include maintaining body metabolism, physical growth, neuronal development, reproduction and much more. The body requires just the right amount of hormones, no less, no more. Any changes in the levels of these hormones may cause thyroid diseases.

When the gland produces too many hormones it is known as hyperthyroidism and when it produces less than acceptable, it is known as hypothyroidism. These are the most common types of thyroid problems.

Worrisome signs to look out for

We need to fully understand what exactly is troubling us. Thyroid problems come in different forms. Some conditions may be relatively harmless, like small goitre (enlarged thyroid gland) that require no treatment. Other conditions can have a significant impact on your life. Various warning signs need to be checked when diagnosing thyroid problems. These include:

  • Changes in the heartbeat because thyroid gland affects metabolism and can dictate how rapidly a person’s heart beats. A noticeable increase in blood pressure, heart palpitations or the sensation that your heart is pounding are some of the common symptoms of thyroid
  • Changes in energy and mood swings are typical signs
  • Unexpected fluctuation in weight is another common sign of thyroid trouble.
  • Look out for dry skin and brittle nails
  • Numbness or tingly feeling in the hands
  • Frequent constipation and changes in bowel movements
  • Hair loss is another sign that there is a hormonal imbalance
  • Fatigue, muscle weakness, tiredness among others could be present as well
  • Thyroid hormones also regulate our body temperature and a disruption may result in feeling either too hot or cold.
  • Impaired vision and an uncomfortable, visible swelling behind the eyes
  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle in women

Conventional Treatment

Thyroid treatment methods depend on the type of thyroid disease. In the case of hypothyroidism, one can take oral steroids that may help in restoring the hormone levels. These could present some potential side effects in the form of insomnia, shakiness, increased appetite among others. In the case of hyperthyroidism, anti-thyroid medicines can be taken to reduce the unnecessary production of hormones. Keep in mind the dosage is accurate because if taken excessively, it may cause hypothyroidism. There is also a surgical procedure one can go for wherein the thyroid gland is removed but that too could push towards hypothyroidism. You need a natural approach that presents little to no side effects and provides a long-lasting solution. Enter Homeopathy!!

Thyroid treatment in homeopathy

Thyroid treatment in homeopathy looks to relieve the patient of the thyroid symptoms by eliminating the underlying root cause. The remedies for this condition are personalized for a particular individual based on numerous tests. Thyroid signs can be confused with other condition that is why it is imperative to rigorously go through the X’s and O’s of the individual’s medical life. Patients all over the globe claim that the no.1 method to get rid of thyroid problems is homeopathy. Medications used in this process are made from organic substances and have the highest success rate as compared to other medications.

Bottom line

Thyroid problems are very common worldwide. Do not worry if you have one too. Visit the nearest homeopathic clinic, start with the homeopathic medicine for thyroid and do whatever it takes to overcome this condition.

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