How is an ADHD Test in Hong Kong Done?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental condition that can cause severe disruptions to the lives of patients, families, and their careers. Delayed diagnosis is likely to escalate the problem further and result in severe mental impairment and missed potential in different areas of your life. Therefore, if you think or notice some signs of the disorder, it is prudent to go for an ADHD test in Hong Kong without further delay.
This post is a closer look at ADHD to establish how it is tested in Hong Kong. Keep reading to understand more about the problem and seek help as early as possible.
The Importance of Getting the Right Diagnosis for ADHD in Hong Kong
Some people opt to avoid ADHD because getting labeled ADHD in the society might hurt them. However, there are many benefits of getting the right ADHD diagnosis.
The main advantage of getting the right diagnosis is emotional well-being. When the symptoms of ADHD become evident, they can cause feelings of shame and embarrassment. However, getting diagnosed with ADHD can help to reduce the emotions.
When you show evidence of diagnosis indicating that you have ADHD, it might be all that you need to get a better type of working environment. For example, your employer might provide a quieter place and more breaks at work to help increase concentration.
Once an ADHD test in Hong Kong is done by a professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, it is an opportunity to start treatment immediately.
How is ADHD Diagnosed?
ADHD is a complex mental condition, meaning that it cannot be diagnosed using a single physical test, such as an X-ray or blood test. Instead, the medical expert uses an evaluation process to diagnose the condition.
Criteria for ADHD Test in Hong Kong
During this diagnosis for ADHD in Hong Kong, the medical expert gathers information concerning you or your kid to establish if it has met the criteria for ADHD. The criteria comes from the Fourth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and include the following:
- Several symptoms must be evident before 12 years.
- The manifested symptoms must be present in multiple settings, such as school, work, and home.
- The symptoms manifested must be interfering with or affect daily functioning.
- The symptom must not be explained by a different medical condition.
Information that You should Share with the Doctor
As we have mentioned, ADHD test in Hong Kong involves gathering information to confirm that the symptoms are not caused by other conditions. To help the medical expert doing the assessment, it is important to provide the following reports or records.
- Past medical record reports.
- School performance records.
- Employment records.
- A detailed social and family history report.
In addition to these, the healthcare professional might also send a questionnaire to your child’s teacher or daycare provider.
An ADHD test in Hong Kong might make you feel a flood of emotions, but the lovely thing is that it will form the basis for addressing the problem. Depending on your age, type of ADHD, and severity, the medical expert might recommend a combination of treatment options, including drugs, exercises, and psychotherapy.