
Understanding the Early Symptoms of Coronavirus Infection

Coronavirus is a deadly disease which was detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in 2019. Within a matter of weeks the disease had transcended the borders of China and spread to other countries. Coronavirus has now spread across the entire world and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. As of April 2020, more than 80,000 people have lost their lives to the disease and around 1,425,468 people are infected. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine that can cure Coronavirus. However, if people take precautions they can protect themselves from the disease. Following social distancing, not stepping out of the house and washing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds are a few of the habits that one needs to inculcate during this period. But for this it is important to understand the early symptoms of Coronavirus infection.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Coronavirus is a deadly infection of the lungs. The early symptoms to look out for include dry cough, tiredness, high temperature and shortness of breath. Initially these symptoms are mild. They may appear between 2 to 14 days after the person has been infected. Some other symptoms associated with Coronavirus include headache, sore throat and diarrhoea. Many people have also reported a loss of taste and smell. Though coronavirus can affect people of all age groups, older people are more at risk. In fact, people with medical issues like diabetes, heart problems etc are likely to be impacted. Since patients with high blood pressure are also at a risk therefore it is essential to regularly get a BP check. If you develop cough, fever or breathing problems, get medical help immediately. Other symptoms that you need to watch out for include blue lips, continuous pain in the chest and confusion.

Protect yourself from Coronavirus

There is no vaccine that will help cure Coronavirus. Therefore to prevent yourself from getting infected you need to take certain precautions.

It is important to ensure proper hygiene. Keep your hands clean by regularly washing them with soap and water. There is a possibility that your hands may contain virus. But by keeping them clean, you can prevent yourself from getting infected.

Keep an appropriate distance between yourself and people who seem to be sick, are coughing or sneezing. It is important that you maintain a distance of at least 3 feet.

Apart from keeping your hands clean, you should also not touch your face if your hands are dirty. In case there is a trace of virus on your hands, it may get transferred to your face. The eyes, nose and mouth are suitable openings that may help the virus to gain an entry into your body, thereby infecting you.

If you are feeling feverish or unwell try to stay at home. Even if you have to venture out wear a mask to avoid getting infected.

By understanding the early symptoms of Coronavirus and taking precautions, we can prevent the spread of the disease. By having medical equipment at home like Omron BP machine, you can check your blood pressure at home. You can easily get your hands on medical equipment at home by ordering them from Smart Medical Buyer. They are a leading distributor of medical and hospital supplies at your door step.

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