
Questions To Ask A CBD Shop Before Placing An Order

If you are planning to purchase CBD Oil Edmonton to treat your back pain, you are actually making the right choice. CBD has been known to treat different ailments without side effects. But of course, it is still best to seek professional medical advice before using any product, CBD or any other product so to speak.

Moving on, if you are completely sure about the idea of buying CBD, it is time to find a shop where to purchase it. There are actually a lot of shops selling CBD and the best way to assess which among them is the right shop to trust is by asking them relevant questions.

Do not hesitate to ask, as it is your right as a customer. Moving on, below are some questions you can start of:

  • When can you deliver my items?

This is an important question to ask specifically if you are buying online. You sure would not want to remain clueless on when can you expect the items to arrive. There are actually many factors that may affect the delivery, some of which are:

  • The availability of the item: not all the time, the items are available to dispatch, sometimes, the shop needs to wait for their stock to arrive before they can deliver
  • The number of customers on queue: especially if you purchase your CBD from a trusted and popular shop, waiting for your turn may take time
  • Proximity: the shop’s location versus yours may also impact the delivery of the CBD
  • Restrictions: there can be many restrictions that may come along the way, and these restrictions would affect the time of delivery

If they cannot provide an exact date and time, at least ask for an estimate.

  • What is your return and exchange policy?

You may also want to know their return and exchange policy and who will shoulder the shipping back to them in case you are requesting for a refund. You may also want to ask exemptions, and disqualification of their policy.

Of course, you are purchasing an item not thinking that you may need to return or exchange it, but needless to say, just to make sure that in the event that you receive a wrong item, you know your rights.

  • Is there a delivery fee?

They may be selling cheap CBD products but they charge sky rocket shipping fee, hence it is important that you know how much they charge in shipping. Of course, the fee depends on many things like your location or if you want it rush. Make sure to be very clear on this information before placing an order.

The shipping fee should be clarified before you click on the order button.

  • Can you deliver in my area?

Unfortunately, not all shops can deliver worldwide because of a lot of restriction. Just to make sure they can send yours, inform them with your exact location. If your area is restricted, obviously, there is no reason to push through with your order.

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