
Which Things Can You Eat And Should Avoid After A Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a complex procedure that requires careful post-op care for a few weeks after the process. The region should be well brushed and cleaned after each extraction; the patient should not engage in strenuous activity for at least a few hours following the procedure; and the patient should not smoke or inhale heavily on the treated area.

After tooth extraction, your dentist in Kings Mountain, NC will likely give you strict instructions on what you may and cannot eat moving forward. It is important that you follow all the instructions.

What Are the Recommended Foods to Eat After an Extraction?

A lot of what you consume determines how you handle tooth extraction. If you think a liquid diet could help you, then by all means, eat everything you want while you are on it. That being said, that is not the proper method. Be careful not to use a straw if you plan on drinking anything after the extraction; the suction could dislodge the blood clot. The time required for healing is progressively increased as a result. If you are still experiencing pain after getting a tooth extracted, try chewing your food in the other direction.

When Eating, What Way Is Best?

For the first twenty-four hours, stick to liquid and soft foods as they are easier to chew than solid items. Everything from blended soups and mashed potatoes to yogurt, curd, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, kiwi, juice, smoothies, shakes, and other drinks fall under this umbrella. In addition to being easy to eat, they are suitable for one’s health. Eating ice cream is also recommended, but make sure it is free of cones, chewy candy, and other crunchy ingredients. Drink only when food has cooled to room temperature; never when food is still hot.

What Foods Should You Avoid At All Costs?

You should not even think of eating foods that have nuts, seeds, or extremely hard and crunchy grains in them. Chewing on them can cause terrible pain. Due to the extensive nature of the treatment and the time needed for recovery, you must adhere to this practice for at least a week or two. Also, it is not a good idea to drink alcohol while taking strong pain medications. 

Speak to your dentist today!

Make an appointment with a local dentist if you experience any unexpected pain in the clot-affected area. Your dentist will help you with the aftercare for tooth extraction.

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